31 MAY 1968, page 17
New Novels
High tide HENRY TUBE And Really Frau Blinn . . . Peter Bichsel translated by Michael Hamburger (Calder and Boyars 25s) The Attempt John Hopkins (Seeker and . War- burg 25s)......
The Correspondence Of George, Prince Of Wales, 1770-1812,...
1804-1806 (cue £8 8s) Luxury letters J. H. PLUMB Professor Aspinall is as indefatigable in retire- ment as he was in office, massive volume follows massive volume with the......
Seat Of Pleasure
AUBERON WAUGH Enderby Outside Anthony Burgess (Heine- mann 25s) I always thought that to enjoy Mr Burgess's first Enderby book fully one needed to be a Catholic-educated writer,......