31 MAY 1997, page 25
Sir: That Peregrine Worsthome, Once The Ganymede Of Stowe...
Bucks, should write an uncompromising attack on Sir Jere- my Isaacs for instigating a statue to Oscar Wilde is quite predictable. Nor is it a surprise t0 find it in The......
Endurance Record
Sir: In Correlli Bamett's review of Captain Barker's book Beyond 'Endurance' (Books, 17 May), he seems to go out of his way to highlight the author's attack on my late father,......
Letters Peregrinations
Sir: At last a worthy, homophobic deprecia- tion of my grandfather, Oscar Wilde (As I was saying, 24 May). He has had almost too good a press in recent years, which has dis-......