A Valuable Letter In Monday's Daily News, From The...
districts, explained one great obstacle to the return of prosperity to the smaller mills. The Indian cotton, says the writer, requires so much alteration of the machinery from......
The Military News From America Is More Striking Than...
The accounts from the West all represent that Rosecranz, though not yet joined by any reinforcements, holds his own at Chatta- nooga, and that Bragg's attention is turned......
Alderman Salomons Addressed His Constituents At Greenwich...
was satisfied with the Parliament which had reduced tea 5d. a pound, and income-tax 2d.—had provided for the Prince and Princess of Wales, helped Lancashire, and kept out of......
Mr. H. Ward Beecher Made Another Long And Final Speech
this day week at Manchester. His speaking is not to our mind, but, on the whole, with a few violent, and a few vulgar, and a few foolish things, he has said in an apt and......
The Electoral Reports From Prussia Show A Decided...
the strength of the Liberal party. A few more Conservatives have been returned in places ruled by the officials ; but Berlin has sent up none but Liberals. Herr von Vincke,......
The Honourable Frederick Lygon Has Exchanged Tewkesbury...
where he was elected on Monday unopposed. lie seized the opportunity to make a severely virtuous speech en political principle, especially with reference to Lord Pal- merston,......
Mr. Chase's Criticism On England. In Ohio Was By No
means so extravagant as Mr. Reuter reported it, but rather of the good- humoured, jocose kind. He called us " unneighbonrly," indeed ; but, perhaps, of the people, though not of......
The Elections In Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, And...
of Nevada, Nebras'ca, and Colorado, have resulted in a great triumph for the Republican party, and show a very great reaction from the Democratic majorities of last year. In......
The United Kingdom Alliance For Promoting Majorities In...
to put down the sale of all intoxicating liquors in that dis- trict held a crowded meeting at Manchester yesterday week. " There would be," said Mr. Lawson, " as little......
The Warsaw Correspondent Of The Times Gives An Account Of
the Russian proceedings in that capital, which helps to explain the bitter personal hate borne by the inhabitants to the Government. He was passing through the streets by the......