Lord Rosebery's Selected Subject Was, However, The House...
He maintains that it cannot be abolished. without revolution—which is only true if the Peers could not he induced to vote their .own extinction, and there are alternatives they......
-mr. 'morley Made A Bright Little Speech At Newcastle On
Wednesday, in which, after dissecting Lord Rosehery's pro- posals for the reform of the Lords, and hinting that he, like:Sir L. Playfair, should prefer a Second Chamber, if......
'm. Pasteur Is Said To Have Discovered A Cure For
hydrophobia in the shape of an inoculation with the marrow of rabbits which have died of the disease. Looking to the report of Professor Koch on the result of inoculating for......
Sir Frederick Roberts, Who Is Going To India As Commander-
in-Chief, was entertained at the Mansion House on Saturday, and made a remarkably good speech, entirely free from that party character some soldiers contrive to give even to......
Lord Rosebery's Speech At Wrexham On Monday Was In The-
main an argument against abolishing the House of Lords,-and in favour of reforming it, and we have dealt with it below; but he said. some other notable things, too. He is......
Bank Bate, 2 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 100i
to 1004,.......
M. Jules Simon, Strictly A Moderate,. And A Man Of-
great .capacity, publishes his view of, the French Elections in this month's am,temporarg. He strongly confirms the views we have -expressed. The Reaction is not directed......
The Elections Are Drawing Near, And Some Of The Tory
leaders are still wasting strength. Sir M. Hicks-Beach, for example, spoke a long speech at Cheltenham on Monday. Half of the speech was, from his point of view, very good......