There Is An Exceedingly Able And Interesting Paper In...
Times on "The Industrial North," the general drift of which is that the feelings and temper of the North are not really well understood in the South of England, the writer even......
This Appointment Of Li Hang Chang Is Septibsed To Consti-
tute a ETV deilartin 7 i in Chinese practice, there ba,ring hitherto been no single ofneiliti Vain responsible for 'foreign affairs. It is not cerbiin, 'hoiverti; that the' new......
The Ambassadors In Constantinople Are Greatly Disturbed...
levying a special tax on Mahommedans for military purposes, and at the obvious intention to arm all Mussulmans of whatever class. They apprehend that it may be intended to let......
Mr. Chamberlain Made A Very Diverting Speech On Wednes- Day,
on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Debating Society. He recalled the days when he and his friends in that Society had "surveyed mankind from China to......
The Lord-mayor Of Belfast On Wednesday Entertained Lord...
dinner, after which the retiring diplomatist made an admirable and obviously well-considered speech. He refused to turn "any Röntgen rays upon the doors of the Cabinets of......
Mrs. Humphry Ward, In Opening A Bazaar For Unitarian Objects
at Chesterfield on Wednesday, declared that Unitarians had the work of the future in their hands, because they more than any other religious thinkers have fully accepted the......
The Australian Colonies Seem Inclined To Try The Grave...
of women's suffrage. New Zealand has already adopted it, and we believe approves its working, and now a Bill embodying the same principle has been carried by a large majority in......
The Times Published On Wednesday A Letter From The Duke
af Argyll in which his Grace states with unusual definiteness his opinion as to the best solution of the Eastern question. tie declares that, except perhaps Spain, no......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2!) were on Friday, 1031.......