We Cannot Find Space To Quote At Any Length From
the German Press, but mast set forth a passage from the Tagliche Rundschau, one of the two papers which are said to be read daily by the Emperor. It declares that "seldom has......
Another Point In The German Emperor's Interview Is Leas...
We allude to his interesting story that after the "black week" of Colenso be supplied Queen Victoria with a plan of campaign for the South African War. This plan of campaign,......
We Will Not Enter Into The German Emperor's Defence Of
his action in Morocco in regard to the recognition of Mulai Hafid, but we must note his general assurance that his actions speak louder than words in the matter of friendship......
News Of The Week
T HE event of the week has been the publication by the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday of an interview between one whom it described as an ex-diplomatist and the German Emperor. We......
The Sensation Produced By The German Emperor's Inter-...
England has been veiy great, but it is as nothing compared with that caused in Germany. It is, indeed, hardly too much to say that no act in the Emperor's career has been more......
In Regard To The Naval Portion Of The Interview We
will only say, as we have said elsewhere, that we have no quarrel whatevar with the Emperor's claim that Germany has a right to build as many ships as she likes without being......