Company Notes
riHARLES ROBERTS presents accounts for k,the. year ended March 31, 1958, which show that hire purchase now plays a very big part in the company's activities. In fact the amounts......
Solution Of Crossword No. 1,014
ACROSS.-1 Ride the storm. 8 Turban- top. 9 Renew, 11 Oregon. 12 Brassica. 14 Pipe dreams. 16 Arch, 18 Ease. 19 Clino- meter. 21 Intrepid. 22 Flugel. 25 Sinai. 26 Gendarmes. 27......
Investment Notes
By CUSTOS IE Chancellor first came to the rescue of a 1 flagging bull market when he told the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in London last week that he would be very disappointed......
Spectator Crossword No. 1,016
ACROSS 1 Will the whales never learn their lesson and leave? (6) 4 How the loriner measures his output (3, 2, 3) 10 What a funny neckerchief! (7) 11 Greet in a blameless manner......