Simon Helfer Adds: Both Bruce Anderson And I Believe The
other to be living in a fantasy world. For the last two years I have been writing relentlessly that the Government's policies would bring disaster. For the last two years Mr......
A Question Of Size
Sir: In the course of his first observations concerning the closure of the mines, Mr Heseltine told us that he couldn't 'allow his heart to rule his head'. This would have been......
Typically Backward
Sir: I should like to protest most strongly at Giles Auty's suggestion that Colonel Fred- erick Gustavus Burnaby, whose portrait by Tissot is reproduced in The Spectator, was a......
Greek Hate
Sir: In my article on Greek nationalism (The new bully of the Balkans', 15 August) I described the case of Hristos Sideropou- los, a Greek Slav who lost his job as a forestry......
Et Tu, Brute
Sir: Dear me: poor Simon Heifer is a thin- skinned fellow. Perhaps he should pay less attention to what the press says about him. One teasing comment from me, and he devotes......