3 APRIL 1942, page 14

Entertaining The Forces

Sue,—May I support "Private Soldier's" letter in your issue March 6th ? E.N.S.A. recently presented "Music At Night," a gramme of popular "classics" sung and played by artists......

Sir,—considering How Small The Quantity Of Writing Is In The

Spectator which we now receive for our subscriptions, I suggest that you make it a future rule that when you write a leading article you should take the trouble to make yourself......

Mrs. Walford

SIR, —Your correspondent, "Bewildered," enquires in The Specter of March 20th, "Who was Mrs. Walford?"—and, as one of daughters, I propose to enlighten him. My mother's first......

Municipal Revolt?

SIR,—I see that Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield and 14 other Midlands towns are sending their civic heads to London, to protest to the Minister of Home Security against what......

Kitty O'shea And Ireland


A Practical Proposal

SIR,—At a school held last week-end at the Percival Guildhouse, Rugby (centre for adult education), in conjunction with the Workers' Education Association and the Adult Schools,......

Sir,—although I Do Not Wish To Defend The Daily Mirror,

there is one aspect of the case which has, I believe, received no mention in the Press. The Daily Mirror has repeatedly criticised those officers of lower Field Rank who......
