Spectator Competition No. 77
Set by Colin Shaw A prize of f5, which may be divided, is offered for an extract from a discussion between King Lear" and Lady Capulet on the problems of female education.......
Spectator Competition No. 74
Re port by D. R. Peddy A prize was offered for an extract from a B.B.C. broadcast in the series " In the Kitchen" ; the dish described being one of the following : Red Herrings,......
'ur *pectator: August 2nb 1851
A COWKEEPER and his wife of Liverpool, having circulated statements that Fleet, a " pork" butcher of North Street, used diseased meat for his sausages and other delicacies,......
The Spectator
readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold copies are......