3 DECEMBER 1954, page 14

The Censorship Of Books Sia,--sir Compton Mackenzie Seems...

made the best reply possible to the comments on obscene literature which appeared in the Sunday School Chronicle recently, but un- fortunately he has done it by selective......

Clean Air

SIR,--The article on 'Clean Air' by Dr. Somer- ville Hastings, MP, in your issue of November 19 is a welcome indication that our legislators arc alert to this very urgent......

Letters To The Editor

THE HUMAN SITUATION SIR, —Mr. Coleman assumes that the lesson of the city-destroying Ijydrogen bomb is that there will be eventually a world-destroying bomb. This is irrational......

Work And Dentists

Snt,—If Ex-Squadron-Leader will read my letter again, together with the passage in Mr. Anderson's article to which it referred, he will, I think, realise that I expressed no......

Pakistan's Problem

STR,—A report entitled Pakistan's Problem' in your esteemed paper dated October 29 remarks: ' now the Constituent Assembly has been suspended. . . .' The correct position,......