3 DECEMBER 1988, page 34

Frances Partridge

For me, the year's landscape is dominated obelisk-wise by the admirable biography Freud: A Life for our Time by Peter Gay (Dent, £16), a work of immense scho- larship and......

Patrick Skene Catling

William Trevor surpassed his usual high standards with The Silence in the Garden (Bodley Head, £9.95), a novel about Anglo-Irish decline. I greatly enjoyed Black Box by Amos Oz......

Charles Glass

One of the advantages of books over plays or films is that reading a book has no deadline. If the books that come one's way during the course of the year disappoint, Jane......

Richard Ingrams

Everyone complains that people use this feature to plug their friends' books, but these tend to be the only books I read. I therefore feel no shame about recommend- ing Incline......

Harriet Waugh

The three books published this year that have given me most pleasure are, first, Molly Keane's Loving and Giving (Deutsch, £10.95), a story about the des- tructive power of......