3 FEBRUARY 1900, page 24

Miscellane01:18.—some Excellent Advice, Put In Plain...

within the limits of good taste, is to be found in An Old Layman's Letter to a I oung Clergyman (Parker and Co., Gd) We cannot wish anything better in its way than for a young......

We Have Received The Twelfth Volume Of The " New

Variorum Edition of Shakespeare," edited by Horace Howard Furness (J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 18s.) The volume contains Much Ado About Nothing. Mr. Furness is......

Alfred In The Chroniclers. By Edward Conybeare. (elliot...

6d.)—Mr. Conybeare wishes to give English read. s a picture of the great King as he is described by Assets his con- temporary, and by the chroniclers who probably had access to......

The Latin Hymns In The Wesleyan Hymnbook. By Frederic W.

Macdonald. (Charles H. Kelly. 2s. 6d.)—The original Wesleyan hymn-book contained no hymns from the Latin, though Charles Wesley had paraphrased the Te Deum. The Supplement of......

Ad Item : Thoughts For Critical Times In The Church.

By H. Hensley Henson, B.D. (Wells Gardner, Dalton, and Co.)— We have not always found ourselves in agreement with Mr. Henson, nor, indeed, can we assent to all that he says in......