Off With The Dance?
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Surely your correspondent, Mr. E. A. Leney, does not consider his views on Radio Programmes representative of more than a very small......
Racing And Betting
[To She Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sir.,—Does anyone really suppose that horse-racing would exist for another twenty years if all betting on the course or " away " were abolished......
"sayings That Were Never Uttered"
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia—Thaekeray's absurd version of Wolfe's dying words given with all the air of " inside information," is not his only blunder in The......
"build Now"
[To the Editor of TUE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In view of the present interest in the " Build Now " campaign, I should like to point out one or two facts as far as London is concerned.......
The Red Square, Moscow (lenin Lo Q Uitur) I Used This Life
for what it is, —A field for economic strife. I knew there was no second life And there is nothing that I miss. What would I ask for, more than this ? I took Reality to wife.......
Gold In Kenya
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sim—The unintelligent placidity with which people have unqUestioningly accepted the contention that the gold in Kenya must be mined is......
The Happiness Of Parrots
[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.] Sia—I am amazed at Sir W. Beach Thomas' statement that " most pretty Polls . . . would prefer the freedom of their bars to the freedom of......
In Search Of God '
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sim—Mr. G. Bernard Shaw, in his latest book, makes his Black Girl carry a knobkerrie ! As one who is acquainted with the Native......