News Of The Week.
" LE JOUR DE L'AN" is always a gay and bustling day in Paris. M. Bonaparte has this year added pomp and stateliness to its celebration, by decreeing a " Te Deum " in gratitude......
The War Between The Partisans And The Censors Of Our
late Fo- reign Secretary has not yet led to 'anything more than desultory skirmishes. Nothing conclusive or authentic is to be expected till the meeting of Parliament. Indeed,......
The Senate At Washington Has, After Mature Deliberation,...
that Kossuth shall be publicly recognized as a guest of the nation : an amendment on the resolution, to the effect that all the Hungarian exiles should be included in the public......
From Austria We Have News And From Prussia Surmises Of
Mi- nisterial changes. The Austrian Finance Minister Krauss has re- signed ; his enemies say, on account of the growing conviction of his incapacity ; his friends, on account of......