3 JULY 1971, page 42

To Enter Or Not To Enter Sir: There Has Never

been a question on which it has been so difficult to arrive at a reasoned decision as the question of entering the Common Market. Laymen and experts alike are at odds because......

Mr Brook's Hang-up

Sir: Somewhere in the mind of Mr Hurren, in the dustier groves of Academe and in the issued-yearly notes of English masters who neyer go to the theatre, there still exists the......

The Case For The Queen

Sir: The article by Mr Robert Blake entitled "The Case for the Queen" (June 12) I read with interest and general approval. However, I felt that he was perhaps guilty at one......

Grumbles, From Hell

Sir: Rhodes University, which, according to John Vaizey (June 12), "Must qualify for the title of the worst university in the English-speaking world," can withstand such......