. . . Expect Turbulence
THE AIRLINE business has perils of its own. One involves an author who, swanning round the Far East as so many of us like to do, mentioned the local airline stewardess- es in......
Gus's Treasury Key
THE FOUR KEY jobs in the Treasury, so Nigel Lawson says in his memoirs, are those of the Chancellor's private secretary, the chief economic adviser, the press secre- tary and......
Brown Suede Shoes
WHO WOULD be Governor of the Bank of England? Robin Leigh-Pemberton in his last days of office slips out to Wimbledon in the official Rolls-Royce, which runs over his foot — and......
Fasten Seat-belts. . .
THE INTREPID William Charnock of London City Airport has sportingly accept- ed my challenge. On Monday we shall meet in the West End for a glass of champagne, and then try to......
City And Suburban
Attali and finally over the top and out a bank, an ego-trip, or neither? CHRISTOPHER FILDES I t seems to be open season for shooting my foxes. First Norman Lamont and now......
Jobs For The Boys
THESE INSTITUTIONS, like committees or summits, are easier to start than to stop. Already the usual suspects are rounding themselves up for M. Attali's job — Euro- apparatchiks,......