When Captain Arthur Evans Took Advantage Of An Early...
motion on Monday to call attention to the need for closer co-ordination between the various defence departments and the civil departments in their appeals for voluntary......
On Wednesday Sir Samuel Hoare Delivered The Most Thorough...
meticulous survey that Parliament has yet heard on the subject of Air Raid Precautions. The emphasis which he laid upon the policy of dispersal was bound to raise acute......
Answering A Question By Mr. Dingle Foot In The House
of Commons on Monday, Mr. Morrison, the Minister of Agriculture, promised to institute a departmental enquiry into the imposition and recovery of penalties by the Agri- cultural......
* * * * The Election In Eire As A
result of the infrequent alliances between Labour and Fite Gad, Mr. de Valera's Government was last week defeated in the Dail by one vote, and Mr. de Valera promptly embarrassed......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
House of Commons has not been long in showing Sir Kingsley Wood the difference between the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Health. The debate on the Committee stage of the Air......
Why No Shelters?
As our Parliamentary Correspondent shows in an adjacent column, Sir Samuel Hoare's speech in the House of Commons on Wednesday indicated that more progress than was generally......
Industry And Politics As Far As Can Be Gathered From
the welter of resolutions and amendments on which the National Committee of the Amalgamated Engineering Union deliberated on Tuesday, the final decision reached was that the......