Ogden On The English
From Dr Aubrey Wilson Sir: Surely your competition asking for poem in the style of Ogden Nash on Englishness (20 May) will never better Nash's own views. Let us pause to......
Churchill's Options
From Mr John Crookshank Sir: 'Old reporter', Frank Johnson, judi - ciously edits (Shared opinion, 27 May) Churchill's speech to the Cabinet on the evening of 28 May 1940 to......
Cannes Of Worms
From Mr Michael Fabricant, MP Sir: I read Charlotte Edwardes's Diary (27 May) concerning her experiences with the French authorities following a mugging in Cannes with a sinking......
Lordly Language
From Mr J. Morrish Sir: While Michael George's anecdote (Let- ters, 27 May) is amusing, I would be very surprised if the then Academy sergeant- major, the late Jackie Lord, had......
Hot Air In Cyberspace
From Mr Alasdair Ogilvy Sir: It frightens me to contradict Christo- pher Fildes (City and suburban, 20 May), but even he walks close to the trap of con- fusing technology and......