New Aspects Of Cheap Food. By Rudolph Keller. (research...
Ltd., in Association with William Heinemann (Medical Books), Ltd. as. 6c1.) THE blurb of this booklet shows a striking freedom from political prejudice. In favour of Dr.......
Shorter Notices
3 and VERNON BARTIErr was warning us about the menace of coon nationalism and of the dictators long before it was fashionable mistrust them. His new warning takes the form of an......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS How " thin " markets have become in the sense that they are so inactive that the slightest excess of demand or supply has a dis- proportionate effect on prices is......
Polish Painting. By Henryk Gotlib. (minerva Publishing...
handsomely-produced book, which has over a hundred and fifty reproductions, deals with Polish painting from the Middle Ages to the present day. It is written by one of the most......