An Alternative Economic Policy
Sir: Having waited in eager suspense for the second instalment of Mr Lawson's cliffhanger on an alternative economic policy for the Tories, I must confess to a certain......
Danger: (black) Men At Work
Sir: I was interested to read Mi Lester's comments on job discrimination (24 February) as my work in a busy employment exchange brings me into con- tact with large numbers of......
The Great Shakespeare Hoax
Sir: Commander Pares is wrong in saying that I 'admit' that his 'theory' that Bacon wrote Shake- speare is worth taking time to refute. What I said was that the newer theory......
Sir: If you ask me. John Wells has got breasts on the brain. Lawrie Wynne GatheNn. 1.1anfair TH, Abergele, North Wales......
Sir: 'why Then May Not We Too Revert To Classical
or Gothic when we so choose?' asked Sir Anthony Wagner in your issue of 24 February. The reason is, I think, that when an architect reverts to his 'second language,' his syntax......
The Fall Of Adam
Sir: I have no wish to enter into the Adam Clayton Powell controversy although I think perhaps Mr Murray Kempton does whitewash the Rev and Hon Mr Powell a little bit. However,......
How To Choose An Architect Sir: The Falsity Of Revivalist
building is no fal- lacy of the 1960s, it is an economic and functional fact. The preponderance of 20th century building types has no historical precedent. Motor-car factories,......
Sources Of Anti-semitism
LETTERS From William Greenberg, Professor Sir Denis Brogan, Norman St John-Stevas, MP, W. H. Geer, Michael Manser, Desmond R. FitzPat- rick, Lawrie Wynne, Martin Seymour-Smith,......