Don’t Blame The Website
From Malcolm Gooderham Sir: Your leading article of 24 February misses a fundamental point. Notably, the epetition initiative has helped to breathe new life into the body......
Raised In The Ussr
From Jana Edmunds Sir: Your leading article ‘A nation of babysitters’ (17 February) hinted at a truth behind the problem faced by Britain in relation to childcare. I was a......
The Wrong Metre
From George Simmers Sir: Auden’s ‘Letter to Lord Byron’ is not written in ‘the stanza form of Byron’s Don Juan ’ as Grey Gowrie believes (Books, 24 February). Byron used ottava......
It’s Not Cricket
From Richard Mernane Sir: It is a pity that Leo McKinstry, whose writing I find unfailingly compelling, should choose to celebrate the forthcoming World Cup by taking a swipe at......
From Steve Reszetniak
Sir: As a longtime admirer of the great Lilian Thomson (mentioned on page 8 of your cricket supplement), I was disappointed that you were not able to include a photograph. Steve......
The Diving Logos
From Paul Johnson Sir: I was unable to see a proof of my essay on crocodiles, and two misprints emerged in consequence. Lepidus in Antony and Cleopatra appeared as ‘Lefridus’......