3 MAY 1851, page 7

Forrigu Null Colonial.

FRANCE.—The Paris journals depict a state of considerable alarm at the prospect, real or imaginary, of an insurrectionary movement on the 4th of May. A very violent......

Ht Vrauiurto.

Mr. John Simeon, M.P. for the Isle of Wight, has announced his con- - version to the Roman Catholic faith, and his intention to retire im- mediately from Parliament. The address......


The great aggregate meeting of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, so long In preparation, took place at the Rotunda in Dublin on Tuesday. Though the admission was by ticket the......


Tuesday's Gazette notified the appointment by the Queen of Lord Bloomfield, K.C.B., now Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary at the Court of St. Petersburg, to be......