A Students' Manual Of Ethical Philosophy. By G. Von Gizycki.
(Sonnenschein.)—The name of ethical treatises and even of students' manuals of philosophy is, no doubt, legion, but Dr. Stanton Coit may be allowed to have done well to adapt......
The Ocean Of Air. By Agnes Giberne. (seeley And Co.)—this
is a book which should please the young people as much as any scientific primer. Miss Giberne knows how to put her facts in an attractive form, and science should be made......
Current Literature.
Cromer, Past and Present. By Walter Rye. (Jarrold and Sons.) —Mr. Rye, who has the advantage of a long-standing family con- nection with Cromer, has put together here an account......
The Long Exile, And Other Stories For Children. By Count
Tolstoi. Translated from the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. (Walter Scott.)—This collection of stories and fables shows Count Tolstoi in a more pleasing light than we are......
The Pope And The New Era. By W. T. Stead.
(Cassell and Co.) —Our readers will remember the letters from a correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette which were so full of glowing hopes about the future of Papal influence on......
Some Places Of Note In England. A Series Of Twenty - Five
Drawings. By Birket Foster. (Sampson Low and Co.)—It was a capital idea to collect drawings of famous English places, and Mr. Birkot Foster deserves much credit for the plan.......
Mary Queen Of Scots. By An Elder Of The Church
of Scotland. Stock.)—The authorship of this book is perhaps as remarkable as anything else about it. Mary has never wanted defenders among those born north of the Tweed. But she......
Stray Leaves Of Literature. By Frederick Saunders....
relates that when Dr. Routh, President of Magdalen, was asked by a young man for a piece of advice to carry him through life, the President gravely said : " Always verify......
Prom Story To Story. By Janie Brockman. (wells Gardner And
Co.)—A nice volume of stories for young children, illus- trated with the pretty and spirited drawings which are now so much more common than they were.......
Olga Zanetli. By Fairfax L. Cartwright. 3 Vols. (swan...
and Co.)—The tendency of the rank and file of novel-writers to make up by realism what they want in skill is manifest in " Fairfax L. Cartwright." In " a tale of an Imperial......
Habit And Health. (swan Sonnenschein And Co.)—in This...
Grey Beddoes has collected a number of opinions and counsels by eminent physicians with an especial reference to ailments besetting professional and business men at the present......
Striking Events In Irish History. By C. F. Dowsett. (kegan
Paul, Trench, and Do.)—Mr. Dowsett begins with St. Patrick, but comes rapidly down to more recent times. He takes, we see, an unfavourable view of the massacre of 1641, and......