Call That A Crisis?
Sir: Ian Hay Davison (‘How to rescue a bank’, 19 April) is right that the Northern Rock episode was far from unprecedented. But there is much more to say. The difficulties of a......
Anticipating The Crash
Sir: Rod Liddle (Liddle Britain, 26 April) welcomes the predicted 25 per cent fall in house prices, and so do I. But comparisons with the last property crash do not take into......
Last Call
Sir: Charles Moore asks (The Spectator Notes, 26 April) when the Times might be running a correspondence on ‘the last cuckoo’. Alas, I tried this back in 2001 when, having for......
The Bnp’s Purpose
Sir: Trevor Phillips, in his mission to ‘break the ice’ surrounding the immigration debate (Diary, 26 April), is selective in blaming the continuation of Enoch Powell’s belief......
Pregnant With Meaning
Sir: There is yet another use of the phrase ‘going forward’ which Dot Wordsworth neglected to mention in her wonderfully entertaining recent column (Mind your language, 12......
Dover And Out
Sir: Alex James’s navigation is even worse than Father John Thackray thinks (Letters, 26 April). Mr James thinks he can cross from Cap de la Hague to the white cliffs of Dover......
E N Grave D Stationery
ngraved – or die-stamped – printing, in which the text is printed from a copper die and raised from the paper, is the very best type of printing there is. From shops in Bond......