News Of The Week.
Ir is compiled that half a , million of persons were stationed on the banks of the Thames, or afloat in vessels, when Prince Albert, acaompanied by his two elder children,......
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Agricultural meetings are. held about the country,nnd a forlorn regard is still turned to some kind Of relief in the way of prcitection, compensa- tion, or other boOn. At Tring;......
The "peace Party" Has Held A Meeting At Exeter Hall,
at which the most remarkable adherents of the movement were not present. The Archbishop of Paris and M. Coquerel appeared only by letter. So did M.di Lamartine; who pleaded a......
Excellent Advice Is Not Wanting In Ireland. Mr. O'gorman,...
As- sistant Barrister in Kilkenny, very judiciously advises the people to pay rents and poor-rates; showing many good reasons for their doing as much. And divers respectable......