Woman, The Mystery. By Henry Herman. (ward, Lock, And...
is not difficult to compress a great amount of lively incident into the space of a single volume if you make your tale "a story of three revolutions." Henne, Mr. Herman's......
.4 Son Of The Forge. By Robert Blatchford. (a. D.
Inure and Co.)—This is a story of the realistic kind. The teller of it describes himself as having been the son of a brutal chainmaker in the Black Country. After various......
Practicable Socialism. By Samuel And Henrietta Barnett....
are glad to welcome a new and enlarged edition of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett's essays on social reform, full as they are of real sympathy for the poor, and of practical know- ledge of......
This Every-day Life. By Eleanor Tee. (bell And Sons.)— There
is much good counsel to be found in this "book for young women and girls." What is wanted is more definiteness, and more descent into detail. Miss Tee sometimes seems to lose......
Maria, Countess Of Saletto. Translated From The 'italian...
Arbib by Sidney King. (Digby, Long, and Co,)—This is a picture full of detail, and evidently the work of a person well informed as to Italian life. The story, we venture to......
A Seventh Child. By John Strange Winter. (f. V. White.)—
This is a second edition of a story which is, we venture to think, more curious than interesting. The heroine is the seventh child of parents, both of whom are themselves......
With The Help Of The Angels. By Wilfrid Woollam. (ward
and Downey.)—This story is written with considerable cleverness. The dialogue not unfrequently sparkles, and there are now and then shrewd observations of nature. The plot is of......
William Blacklock, Journalist. By T. Banks Ma.clachlan....
Ferrier.)—This "Love St3ry of Press Life" contains much that is interesting. The author, it is clear, knows something of what goes on in the various offices of a daily......
Shylock, And Others. By G. 11. Radford. (t. Fisher Unwin.)—
These "eight studies" are of unequal merit. Far away the worst of them is "King Arthur," that is to say, if it is meant seriously ; possibly it is intended as a specimen of the......
Ban And Arriare Ban : A Rally Of Fugitive Rhymes.
By Andrew Lang. (Longma,ns,)—We' are always glad to see Mr. Lang's name on the title-page of a volume, at the foot of an article, or the head of a newspaper column. These "......
Jected Series Of Translations Of Turgenev's Novels, And...
by a critical notice from the pen of M. Stepniak of that writer's charaeteristics. This may be read with great advantage. There is a certain sombreness about Russian fiction......
We May Mention Together Various Volumes Of Selections....
Ward has added a fourth volume to the series edited by him,—The English Poets : Selections with Critical Introductions by Various Writers. (Macmillan.)—The volume includes froin......
And Travelling Experiences, A Readable Volume. She Has...
to Norway, we suppose ; accordingly she takes her heroine thither, and finds for her there a happiness with which England has not been able to provide her.......