Scottish _history By Contemporary Writers. " James Iv.,...
edited by G. Gregory Smith. (D. Nutt.)—The work done for English history is now being extended to the annalists of the Northern Kingdom. We have the actual narrative of con-......
Current Literature.
Social Evolution. By Philip Delbert. Edited by Frederick Wingfield. (Eden, Remington, and Co.)—M. Delbert thinks that if we know the past and the present of society, we ought to......
France During The Revolution.*
THE object aimed at, and successfully achieved, in M. de Broc's last book, is to make a true and realistic picture of the state of France during the Revolution—that is to say,......
The Boating-man's " Vade-mecum." By William Winn. (swan...
Co.)—Mr. Winn begins by classifying boats (a " boat " proper means a craft that can be drawn up on the beach, but the term is extended to almost everything that floats). He......
Of The Series Of "the World's Great Explorers And Explora-
tions" (G. Philip and Son), which began with "John Davis," we have to notice two volumes, Ferdinand Magellan, by F. H. H. Guillemard, M.A., and Sir John Franklin, by Captain......