News Of The Week.
T HE Emperor of Russia leaves Balmoral this evening, and, travelling all night, will arrive in Paris on Monday after- noon. He will remain there four days, during which he will......
Mr. Bryce And Mr. Asquith Both Spoke On We _iiv_liday
upon the Eastern question,—the former at Aberdeen, the latter at Leven. Mr. Bryce's speech is important, not so much from his position as a former Cabinet Minister as from his......
The Emperor Of Austria Has Been "inaugurating" The Canal Cat
in order to tarn the great obstacle to the navigation of the Danube, the rocks called the Iron Gates. His Majesty was received by the Kings of Roumania and Servia at Bucharest,......
It Has All Along Been A Marked Feature Of This
crisis that the Ambassadors in Constantinople have felt much more horror at the massacres than their employers have done. Their Joint Note to the Porte of September 15th has now......
Would It Not Be Possible, As One Warning To Turkey,
to denouncs the treaty under which we hold Cyprus ? That treaty binds the Sultan to grant reforms to th1" Armenians, but it also binds us to defend Turkey against Russia, the......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, October 10th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......