Reading Matters
Sir: What a civilising influence your maga- zine must be, and how things change. Christopher Renwick feels sad that Alexan- der Rae's weekly highlight is reading The Spectator......
Not Worth The Risk
Sir: John Boyden's heartfelt and perceptive discourse on 'the destruction of great music by modern technology' (Arts, 26 Septem- ber) reminds me of a time before the advent of......
Sir: A Couple Of Years Ago, When I Moved Abroad,
I pondered awhile as to which British magazines I should subscribe to, to keep me in touch with the old country. Being a fairly serious sort of chap, but with an anarchic......
Letters Kitchener's Qualities
Sir: I readily acknowledge Andrew Roberts's point that Queen Victoria opposed Kitchener's appointment as C-in-C India (Letters, 26 September), but her rea- sons may not have......
We're All Screwy
Sir: I'd like to congratulate Robert Haeger (`Screwed by Brussels', 26 September) on his sense of humour, which is not the case with most Americans. My great pleasure when I am......
Simple Simon
Sir: Sion Simon knows absolutely nothing about me, my political beliefs or my activity in the Labour party, yet feels free to sug- gest that I am a liar, to denounce me as a......
Sir: If Christopher Renwick Fails To Under- Stand Why...
The Spectator can be the highlight of the week, he should try living in Bangladesh for a month or two. Bernard Bolton 3 K B Ismail Road, Mymensingh, Bangladesh......