The Dangers Of Self-depreciation.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In your issue of August 13th the article on "The Dangers of Self-Depreciation" interested me especially. As a Canadian, I am sure I......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
MONSIEUR,—Vous soutenez vaillamment lee idees anglaises, ce dont on ne doit que loner votre tenace patriotisme. Mais votre cahier du 13 du mois dernier public sans un mot de......
Departmental Tribunals. [to The Editor Of The...
much to be feared that in the now notorious Archer-Shee ease the public, in their feelings of sympathy with the unfortunate victim, have to a large extent lost sight of the very......
Tariff Reform And Socialism.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.) Ste,—Last Thursday week Sir Edward Grey, speaking at Tillmouth Park, said: "In Protectionist countries we see to-day a great increase of the......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sie,—in Your Last Issue
a correspondent infers that the British inch is insignificant compared with the millimetre. Probably your readers are aware that there is sitting in London an Engineering......
[to The Erma Or Tin "eirroraroo."] Smt,—may I State Our
experience in reply to the letter on this subject in the Spectator of August 13th ? It is now twenty-- one years since we abolished the English weights and measures in our......