3 SEPTEMBER 1948, page 5

Hard Things Are Often Said Of British Hotels. Some,...

do not deserve it. A car-load of good citizens returning light-pocketed from holiday earlier this month called at a well-known hostelry in the South Midlands for some light......

Is This Country Full Of Hypochondriacs ; Or Full Of

people who like getting something for (as they think) nothing ; or full of people who really need medical attention and have never been able to afford it before ? The questions......

Now And Then One Finds In Some Corner Of A

daily paper a bit of out-of-the-way news of quite unusual interest. There was such a message in Tuesday's Daily Herald from its Cape Town correspon- dent telling of the......

I Don't Know Whether Donnybrook Fair Is Still In Existence.

If it is it must by all accounts be beaten to a frazzle by that new and entertaining institution, the Congress of Intellectuals that has been meeting in the past week at what......

A Spectator 's Notebook T He Last Instalment Of Evidence...

before the Royal Commis- sion on the Press is devoted exclusively to Lord Kemsley and what his critics consider his iniquities. I . am surprised that more attention has not been......

East And West A Ntagonism Between East And West Presents

a triple problem—in Berlin, in Germany as a whole, in Europe as R whole. In each case it is fundamentally the same problem, and in each case the issues involved are half......