4 APRIL 1868, page 18

Standzrd Essays On State Churches. (miall.) — These...

published by "The Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control," and are reprints, some dating from the earlier years of the century. The names of......

Organic Philosophy. Vol. Ii. Outlines Of Ontology. By...

M.D. (Triibner.)—Before we can even read this book we must have a Lexicon Dohertianwn to enable us to translate its words into some language with which we are acquainted. We are......

Outlines Of Physiology, Human And Comparative. By John...

2 vols. (Longmans.)—So far as we can judge, this work is executed with much completeness, and presents "a concise but compre- hensive summary of modern Physiological Science."......

Current Literature.

The Government of England: its Structure and Development. By W. E. Hearn, LL.D. (Longmans.)—This elaborate work comes to us from Melbourne, in the University of which town Dr.......

Its Dishes Must Be To Eat. As A General Rule,

English cookery-books are too dry and practical. The result is, that they are only consulted when that is absolutely necessary, when there is some question as to the time of......

Tom Marchmont. Three Vols. (j. C. Hotten.)—in His Attempt To

strike out a path for himself and to avoid,the conventionalities of modern fiction, the author of Tom Marchmcmt has merely discarded the elements of success in novel-writing. He......

Snow While Crossing The Alps Spend Their Time In Telling

stories. Most of the stories might really have been told under such circumstances, and almost need for their appreciation a similar imprisonment in the hospice of the Great St.......

The Magazines.

MERE must be a special providence that watches over magazines, if we may judge from the way in which, every now and then, they seem to defy their readers. One magazine trades......