4 APRIL 1998, page 27

A Subversive Writes

Sir: I wholeheartedly endorse the calls for MI5 to be prevented from destroying the bulk of its historical files (`Once red, but should they still be read?', 28 March). For the......

Gold Fingers

Sir: I refer to Mr Fildes's excellent article on gold (City and suburban, 7 March). One reason for the depressed bullion market is the huge speculative position of market......

Turfed Out

Sir: Having read with interest Peter Oborne's article 'A racing uncertainty' (21 March), I am amazed that he can't grasp the fact that a healthy racing industry cou- pled with a......

Letters Spooked

Sir: The spook seems to have spooked him- self. David Shayler's story of racing about Europe pursued by his own private fiends and demons (`Life after MI5', 28 March) makes for......