4 AUGUST 1950, page 13

In The Garden I Have Had So Much Pleasure This

summer in watching red roses bloom high up in hollies, Lombardy poplars and even apple trees that I cannot but wonder why more climbers are not given such congenial support.......

River Observation Posts

Seated by the bank of the Ouse—a most desirable "pitch "—two pic nickers saw two stoats cross the river dry-shod by jumping from the branch of one overhanging tree to another on......

Country Life

IT WAS said to a farmer, as the two looked at a field of wheat flattened by the heavy rains : "You'll need a scythe to deal with that." He answered: "Not a hit, I shall need a......

Congruenter Natunt

Of all criticisms, the most foolish is that which laments that " such a thing is not natural." Quite a number of farmers at first refused to use the milking machine because it......

Recent Records

NOT all of the records mentioned below can, I fear, be strictly called recent, and these notes represent a belated effort to _clear off outstanding debts in order to start the......


"int §§pectator." Zitgust 30, 1s50

WORDSWORTH'S PRELUDE Tins posthumous poem was begun in 1799 and finished about 1805. It was intended as a species of introduction to another partially finished work, called The......