4 DECEMBER 1964, page 15

Dietrich: Act Of Faith

By FRANCIS WYNDHAM A VISIT to the Queen's Theatre--where Marlene Dietrich's season has been extended one more week — can be interpreted as an act of religious ob- servance.......

Sir,—i Have Attended Many Group Evenings And In My Opinion

the standard of discussion at Jean Symons's evening, though high in quality and inter- est, did not differ in any radical way from that of many of the other discussions.......

Sir,—as 1 Told John Horder Recently, I Joined The Group

in January 1956. My first book, Once Bitten, Twice Bitten, was published in 1961, and every poem in it but one was written while I was a regular attender of Group evenings. I......

Lorries On The Moors

SIR,--Somebody has been taking Quoodle for a ride —a lorry ride. There is no 'proposal of the North Riding County Council to build a lorry route from Hetton-le-Hole to Otstleton......

`an Irish Navvy'

SIR,—After reading and re-reading what Frank O'Connor had to say about An Irish Navvy in your Christmas. issue, I am still not sure which of us he is sorest at—myself, Val......