Telegraphy. By W. H. Preece, C.e., And J. Sivewright, M.a.
(Long- mane, Green, and Ce.)—Our artisans, for the most part, learn their trade from the observation of practised hands, and know little about the theory of their operations. In......
We Have To Notice A Very Elegant And Convenient Edition
of The Bible. (Oxford University Press.)—It is bound in flexible morocco covers, which overlap so as to keep out dust. The type, though the volume of the Bible is smaller than......
By Average Magazine Poetry. Its Anther Appears To Have...
through Europe, and to have visited the famous galleries and museums of Italy and Belgium rather more leisurely, and to better purpose than do many of her countrymen and......
New Editions.—the Rev. J. J. Taylor's Retrospect Of The...
Life of England (Triibner) appears, with" an introductory chapter on recent developments," by Dr. James Martineau, a chapter, we need scarcely say, of the greatest interest. We......
Pausanias The Spartan. By The Late Lord Lytton....
more than a third of the work, as originally contemplated by the author, has been preserved, or, it should rather be said, ever existed. Nor is this third more than an......
This Book As A Volume Of Sermons. It Is, Perhaps,
none the worse for that, only it does not so describe itself, and its second title, "A Sequel to Bible Teachings in Nature," does not help those who are not familiar with that......
Ruth And Gabriel: A Pastoral Story. By Laurence Cheny. 3
vols. (Sampson Low and Co.)—We do not doubt that Mr. Cheny has photo- graphed Lincolnshire life, talk, and manners with all accuracy, but this is not enough to make a novel. The......