The " New Philanthropy. "
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The writer of the article on my address at "the Wesleyan-Methodist Chapel " (where, by-the-way, I merely discharged a function which had......
Mr. Gladstone And Irish Cabinet Pflinistersi [to The...
THE " SPECTAT311."] Sin, — Your correspondent, Mr. Edward Stanley Robertson, doubts that Mr. Gladstone sat in the Cabinet with the Duke of Wellington. It is not probable that......
Clerical Poverty.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin, — There are certain points which need to be emphasised in such schemes as you alluded to in an article for the relief of clerical......
The Duke Of Wellington As Irishman. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPEOTAT011,"] SI E,—With reference to Mr. E. Stanley Robertson ' s remark anent Irish nationality and the Duke of Wellington, in the Spectator of February 25th, I ask your......