Foolish Posturing . . ."
Sw,—Many of your readers arc in your debt for your characterisation of Dr. Maclntyre's defiance of Parliamentary usages, with its humiliating sequel. Doubtless you will agree......
Country Life
IT is traditional in the village 'calendar that the first gooseberries should be gathered for Whit Sunday, and often the innocents have to be murdered to maintain the record.......
The Budget And P.a.y.e.
SIR,—Sir John Anderson in his Budget speech offers some consolation to the wage-earners of this country by suggesting a relief in the reduction of income-tax at some later date.......
A Hymn For Victory
LONG ago, when forth from Egypt Came a people saved and free, All creation hailed the marvel, Rock and river, sky and sea: Jordan fled, the mountains trembled, Heaven and earth......