Mr. John D'a. Dumaresq, Acting Administrator Of Lagos,...
a very useful discovery, having ascended the Whemi in a steamer named the Eko ' to a point within twenty miles of Abomey, the capital of Dahomey, with which we are supposed to......
What May Be Best Called The Medical Courts-martial Appear To
act on slightly namby-pamby principles. At least the decision of the Censors' Board of the Royal College of Physicians on the dispute between Sir William Gull and Dr. George......
The Felsted Governing Body, Whose Action Was So Unfair, So
feeble, and so vacillating during the dispute with the late head master, has been reconstituted by the Charity Commission,—the present Governors, however, retaining their places......
The Statement Made In The Times That The Pageant To
be held at Delhi to celebrate the proclamation of the Queen as Empress of India will cost half a million is officially denied. The amount to be expended will not exceed......
The Reds Of Paris Are Growing More Placable In The
freer air. M. Gambetta has made a speech to his constituents at Belleville, in which he declared openly that he was for a policy of com- promise, "for negotiation, and not for......
Mr. Gladstone Has Published An Article In The...
Russia from the charge of extreme cruelty in Turkestan, where General Kaufmann is declared by Mr. Schuyler to have ordered the extirpation of a predatory tribe,—men, women, and......
43– Tile Meeting Of The Linnstan Society, Mr. Crotch...
again his belief that the lemmings--Nor- wegian rodents, which migrate westwards from time to time— really take to the sea, in search of some island to which their pro- genitors......
A Double Demonstration Of Lancashire Conservatives In Two...
WAS made this day week, in the Pomona Gardens, Manchester, Mr. Hugh Birley, M.P., presiding at the larger meet- ing, and Mr. James Carstin at the smaller. Both meetings appear......