Another Small French Detachment In Africa Has Been Cut To
pieces on its way to Lake Tchad, or, more precisely, at or near Togbau, 9° 42' North latitude. Lieutenant Bretonnet had only two subordinate officers with him and thirty......
But Though Ladysmith Is Not Yet Invested, It Is Impossible
to deny that during the next week there must be a great deal of anxiety as to the position in Natal. We trust and believe, however, that General White, who certainly was quite......
Nothing Could Encourage The Private Soldiers Engaged In...
and especially the Reservists, whose lot is often exceedingly hard, more than the certainty that their wives and families will be provided for. We welcome, therefore, the appeal......
The Times Correspondent In Rome Declares That Italy Is Just
now so prosperous that the British Ambassador, Lord Currie, is astonished at the advance he finds both in agri- culture and industry. The revenue comes in regularly and keeps an......
The German Government Has Put Out Through Many Journals A
proposal, not yet absolutely official, but undoubtedly entertained in high quarters, to depart from the programme of naval construction which in 1898 was settled for six years.......
America, Supplies The One Great Exception To The Rale....
there is steadily on the British side. A crowd in New York cheered loudly when it was known that the naval guns bad silenced the Boer forty-pounder, and the Press almost without......
The Tone Of The Continental Press Has Been Rather Steadied
than inflamed by the reverse at Ladysmith. Almost every- where sympathy for the Boers is slightly cooled by their assumed successes. They have ceased to be " a peaceful little......
We Doubt The Conclusion Of Any Bargain. As Yet The
organs of the Centre are most hostile, and they are putting forward a new and powerful argument. They say that a conflict with the Imperial Government is not an unmixed loss,......