A Spectator's Notebook
THE INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY iS to be congratulated for its decision to cock a snook at the Government over the fourteen-day rule in connection with last Sunday's 'free......
I Believe That There Are Some People Who Start Worrying
about Christmas cards more than a couple of days before the last possible moment; and if there are any of them among the readers of this column 1 should like to draw their......
From The Home Office's Criminal Statistics For England...
I learn that 1954 produced 109 murderers and suspected murderers. Proceedings were taken against seventy-two of these (most of the others had committed suicide before arrest).......
Political Commentary
BY HENRY FAIRLIE 0 NE evening during the Conservative Party Conference at Bournemouth I heard a Minister discuss the attitude of the Government to the Burgess-Maclean affair. It......
The Manchester Guardian Had A Scoop On Saturday When It
published the translation of 'A Poem for Adults' by Adam Wazyk. Even from the translation one could see that the poem was excellent in itself, but the most extraordinary thing......