The Cholera Is Reported To Be Everywhere Declining. It Has
not made its appearance in Paris, as expected ; it has not struck Rome, where the Municipality is intelligent and has superseded wells by a good water supply; and in Naples the......
It Is Significant That The First Debate In The Church
Congress was on the housing of the poor ; but it was a good one only in one way. It showed that the Clergy, rural as well as urban, are thoroughly awake to the existence and......
Stepniak Completed, In The Times Of Tuesday, His...
of the condition of the Russian Press. It is nearly dead. Since the commencement of this reign eight newspapers have been prohibited, including the (Jobs, and only two Liberal......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 101
to 101f.......
The Church Congress Was Opened At Carlisle On Tuesday With
an eloquent speech from the Bishop, Dr. Harvey Goodwin, the main thesis of which was that the sterility which Cardinal Newman once described as having fallen on the Church had......
The Associated Chambers Of Commerce Met At Wolverhamp-...
Tuesday, 200 delegates being present, and passed an unanimous resolution in favour of the adoption of a Code of Commercial Law. Considering the present condition of Parlia-......
In Hungary, The Very Home Of Aristocratic Feeling, The...
meat has been compelled to propose a reform of the House of Lords. It appears that there, as here, the statesmen are baffled by the sudden descent of swarms of rural magnates,......
Mr. W. H. Smith, At Newport On Wednesday, Repeated In
a grave way, and without any exhibition of party feeling, his caution about the Navy. He believed half our food and half our trade depended upon our free transit across the......