Pheasant Shooting.*
SIR RALPH PAYNE-GALLWEY has laid a large number of shooting men under a debt in publishing in book form the series of articles on "High Pheasants" which lie recently contributed......
The Magazines.
VARIETY rather than quality is the mark of the new Nineteenth Century. Sir Henry Blake answers his question, " How is Civil War to be Averted P " in a manner irreconcil- able......
• Greek Lova Songs And Epigrams. By J. A. Pott.
London: Kogan Paul, Trench and Co. [la 65.1 t The Struggle for Christian Truth in Italy. By Giovanni Luzzi, D.D. London: Fleming H. Revell Company. [5a. net.] dislike to......
Greek Love Songs And Epigrams.* Pott's Reputation As A...
translator of Greek verse is already established. It cannot be doubted that the reception accorded to his second series of Greek Love Songs and Epigrams will be as cordial as......