4 OCTOBER 1930, page 43

Corduroy. By Adrian Bell. (cobden Sanderson. 7s. 6d.)—mr....

Corduroy is not a novel, nor is it exactly a diary or a disquisition. It is difficult to say what it is, except that, in its own way, it is wholly delightful. Mr. Bell recounts......

That His Plot Lacks That Originality And Invention Which We

have come to expect front him. It is the story of a man who, while a millionaire, lost his only &did through ill-treat meat suffered at the hands of a gang of kidnappers, and......

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to the Rev. F. Rawson Briggs, The Rectory, Gresham, Norwich, for the following :-......

Das Blinde Geshlecht. By Emma Bonn. (leipzig, Nikola...

of Miss Emma Bonn arc known to a large public in Germany, and are so lucid in expression that we turn to them with some relief. Here is not perhaps a masterpiece, but it is an......


Puppets and People Taunt, as we know, is stranger than fiction. Only make fiction strange enough, therefore, and it will resemble life ! Such, at least, seems to be Miss......