I Watched Eisenhower Go By At The Junction Of Gloucester
Place and Marylebone Road, a rather anonymous. roughly middle-class area with many large blocks of expensive flats and no distinct community atmosphere. Any demonstiiition there......
As A Guessing-contest Variant On The Establish - Ment...
can recommend a study of the two voices of the Radcliffe Report. The first, which I suspect was the voice of Lord Radcliffe himself, aided and abetted by the two professional......
Westminster Commentary
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. Before they do so, how- ever, I must apologise to Mr. David Hardman and the two million, six hundred and forty-......
To Rill It As A Fireside Chat Was Misleading: What
we were treated to on Monday evening was an unscripted political discussion with all holds barred. Only once did either of the two men escape fulsome generalities, and that was......
A Spectator's Notebook
WHEN ma Spectator a few weeks ago published a leader on anti-Semitism I wondered whether • a fierce correspond- ence would ensue. It didn't. A few letters came in, but there was......
I Said Last Week That The Tory Party's Challenge Of
Leisure had stolen the Labour plan 'almost in its entirety.' Now that the Labour document (Leisure for Living, Labour Party, 2s.) is out I see that I exaggerated. The Tory plan......