5 APRIL 1957, page 28

Murder At The Flea Club. By Matthew Head. (heinemann, I3s.

6d.) Murder in the Paris where .good Americans go to when, they die-the Paris of the Deux Magots and existentialist night clubs, in one of which such places murder happens, and......

The Seven File: By William Mcgivern. (collins, 10s. 6d.) Yet

another kidnapping-an unusually brilliant, lucid and almost documentary account, in this case, of how American practi- tioners might snatch a child, and how the FBI might set......

The Long Echo. By Douglas Rutherford. (collins, 10s. 6d.)...

feuds and ancient wrongs are the mainsprings of murder in a North-Italian tnountain village, most alluringly described. Mr. Rutherford writes an admirably economical, well-bred......

His Master's Steps

The Hitler I Knew. By Otto Dietrich. Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. (Methuen, 18s.) ' Orro DIETRICH is unique among the Hit- lerographers in that he had a front-seat......

Dead Man's Riddle. By Mary Kelly. (seeker And Warburg, 15s.)

Other universities have had their laureates-if laureates, in this particular literary field, is the word-why not Edinburgh with murder taking place at a riotous Rectorial? Miss......

No Tears For Shirley , Minton. By Kenneth Lowe....

6d.) Another similar, and similarly gripping, talc of pretty blackmailer's mysterious murder, not perhaps put together with quite such dazzling technical skill as Mr. Ransome's......

The Power. By Frank M. Robinson. (eyre And Spottiswoode,...

6d.) Remarkably exciting, per- suasive, cross between.science fiction and thriller, of highly superior H. G. Wells-ish sort, in which a group of scientists learn to suspect that......

The Litmore Snatch. By Henry Wade. (con- Stable, 12s. 6d.)

Henry Wade's neo-Trollopean prose has a stately tread, like an old-fashioned policeman's, and it is old-fashioned policemen; admirably and admiringly characterised, who solve......

Wait For A Corpse. By Max Murray. (michael Joseph, 12s.

6d.) The last crime story from the late Max Murray's pen, alas, (there is a straight novel still to come) is a pretty slight affair set in an English village, but a heroine who......

It's A Crime

Top Secret. By Leonard Halliday. (Hammond, Hammond, 10s. 6d.) The first thriller, surely, to have as hero a former Manchester Guardian reporter is suitably well-written, and......

The Fox Of The North

Lord Lovat of the '45. By Moray McLaren. (Jarrolds, 18s.) THIS is not a biography' but a long, garrulous plea in extenuation of Lord Lovat, the famous 'Fox of the North' who was......

The Narrow Search. By Andrew Garve. (collins, 10s. 6d.)...

very good, bloodless, English tale of a kidnapping, by a rather livelier writer than Mr. Wade. Andrew, Garve has been a reporter in his time, and a good one, and his background......

The Best That Ever Did It. By Ed .lacy. (hutchinson,

10s. 6d.) Two apparently purpose- less and apparently unrelated killings on the side- walks of New York lead to unfolding of ingenious crime that had led only inadvertently to......

The Men In Her Death. By Stephen Ransome. (gollancz, 1

I s. 6d.) Inordinately ingenious and complicated story of how blackmailing trollop is bumped off and practically every inhabitant of small Florida pleasure-beach town is......

Anything To Declare? By Freeman Wills Crofts. (hodder And...

12s. 6d.) This almost octogenarian old master knows how to construct and elucidate a plot, and his genteel prose paces sedately through the 'maze of smuggling, black- mail and......