Less Dog, More Dogma
Sir: I should be surprised if Fergal Keane supplied his own translation for the word 'kaffir' (The indispensable Afrikaner', 22 January) as he has been in South Africa long......
Succinct Scot
Sir: I am an ordinary spinster of 85 with no delusions of grandeur left, and I prefer Mr Major's Conservative Party to the one typi- fied by Mr Heffer, Mr Moore and Mr John-......
Tax Returns
Sir: Why all this moaning and groaning about paying more taxes? In most opinion polls a majority have always said they would like to pay more taxes for more welfare state. Now......
Sir: Damian Thompson In His Article Refers To A Sermon
of mine about the Church of England. As he was not personally present on that occasion, I would like to contribute to the discussion by informing him and his readers of what I......
Letters In All Good Faiths
Sir: Ferdinand Mount is right (`No pontifi- cation in this realm of England', 29 Jan- uary) to find it hard to believe that the con- version of the Duchess of Kent should prompt......
Sir: Many Readers Will, I Am Sure, Applaud Mr Mount's
article, though most of us Anglicans are far too nice to speak so robustly. Mr Thompson, on the other hand (`The best of frenemies', 29 January), seems to me to overstate his......
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