Mr. Gladstone Has Expressed His Views Upon The Probable...
of the Ministry in a letter to the Secretary of the Sheffield Liberal Association, dated December 24. He says that " all races in the Empire are, in his belief, resolutely......
A Grievous Quarrel Has Broken Out Between The Ex-queen...
of Spain and her son's Government in Madrid. The Queen objected to her son's betrothal to a daughter of the Duke de Montpensier, and finding remonstrances useless, began to......
The Precise Position Of The Silver Question In America Is
described by the Philadelphia correspondent of the Times. The House of Representatives has passed a Bill making silver, which is now worth 11 per cent. less than gold, legal......
It Is Remarkable That While Meeting After Meeting Is Held
to protest against any interference by England in the war between Turkey and Russia, and while Member after Member boldly avows to his constituents that he holds such......
The Distress In South Wales Is Frightfully Severe. There Is
a collapse of the coal trade, which has fallen off at Cardiff alone by 100,000 tons a month, and the resulting poverty is deplorable, both as a fact and as evidence of the impro......
The French Minister Of The Interior, M. De Marcere, Improved
the last day of the old year by delivering to the heads of his Department a moat useful and valuable lecture on the principles which ought to guide them in the discharge of......
General De Rochebouet, The First Minister And Minister Of...
during the ephemeral " Ministry of Affairs," has resumed the command of the Bordeaux Division, and taken advantage of a visit from the Mayor of Bordeaux to disavow in the......
The " Druids' " Dinner At Oxford On New Year's
Day was, this year, not political. Mr. Hall, the Conservative Member, was absent, owing to an attack of influenza ; and Sir William Harcourt, who was present, and apparently in......