Auld Scots Bel/ants. Edited By Robert Ford. (alexander...
not merely a collection of Scotch ballads in the ordinary sense ; the author describes it not inaccurately—if to the English reader also not quite intelligibly—as "a 'reel-rall'......
Mrs. Shelley. By Lucy Madox Rossetti. "eminent Women...
and Co.)—Mrs. Rossetti has been unfortunate. Last year Mrs. Marshall's Life of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley appeared in two large volumes, containing all that a reader would care......
My Illustrated Diary Of A Voyage From London To Australia.
By Hume Nisbet. (" My Diary" Publishing Company.)—" 'My Illus- trated Diary' is published for the exclusive purpose of enabling those who take lengthened journeys by sea to......
Pages In Fac-simile From A Fourteenth-century...
(Rivingtons.)—The book of which specimens are here given was a "Prayer-Book in English for the use of the Laity, containing the Calendar, Hours of the Virgin, the Lord's Prayer,......
Through Abyssinia. By F. Harrison Smith, R.n. (t. Fisher...
)—This book is disappointing. It reverses the usual methods of books of travel by being entertaining at the beginning, and while the traveller is going over the old ground from......